Myths of Desire
Sarah Hunter Murray, PhD
The Sexual Science of Cuddling
Cuddling might lead to sex, but that doesn't mean it should
Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus?
He wants sex all the time. She is never in the mood.
Aphrodisiacs - Fact or Fiction?
There is no shortage of associations between food, romance and sex. But are these familiar scenes just go-to content for lazy rom-com writers and first dates?
What You Need to Know About Her Sexual Desire
Women are actually just as likely to be the partner in a heterosexual relationship who has a higher interest in sex
How Long Term Relationship Couples Keep The Passion Alive
There are plenty of scientifically proven things you can do to reintroduce passion into your relationship.
How Masculinity is Stifling Men's Sexual Desire
New research finds men sometimes feel pressured to feign an interest in sex.